Self-Employment Taxes: What You Need to Know

Should I work for somebody? Or, should I work for myself? – These are classic questions that each of us will have at some point in our lives. The idea of working for ourselves is very appealing, and there are many examples of individuals successfully doing it. There are a ton of books, articles, and seminars on how to start your business or transform your passion into a sustainable business etc.

But there are not so many books and articles on how to handle your taxes as a self-employed person. This information is still pretty much inaccessible to ordinary people, unless they study to become tax professionals. The IRS provides a lot of guidance and forms on their website. However, the language and tax-specific terminology is not always easy to understand. And that’s where the Migration Resource Center can help.

Our goal is to make that information accessible. We want to help as many as possible become more knowledgeable about their taxpayers rights and responsibilities. We aim to do so through our free educational activities such as community workshops and presentations.  

Free Workshop

Migration Resource Center has a workshop dedicated to this topic! To learn more about the tax requirements for self-employed, the application forms, the difference from other taxes, etc. REGISTER for our upcoming workshop on Saturday, June 5, 2021 from 11:00am – 12:00pm EST. This workshop will help you to understand:

  • How to prepare for and file your self-employed taxes
  • How the process works
  • What the deadlines are, and
  • How to navigate the journey

Join us June 5, 2021!

Migration Resource Center is a nonprofit providing immigration legal services, tax consulting, and tax preparation services for low-income individuals and businesses. In addition, we provide workshops on the Citizenship Interview and Test, Taxes, and Personal Finance. We offer workshops both online and in traditional classroom environments.